HVAC 101: Learn More About Air-Balancing Fundamentals

Air balancing refers to adjusting an HVAC system according to the needs of a household. It ensures that all rooms in a home are efficiently heated or cooled throughout the year. All HVAC systems installed in a home should be air-balanced to operate efficiently. Let's discuss the details of air balancing.

How to discover if your home needs air balancing

Despite how well a furnace or air conditioner may be working, there is still a chance there's insufficient airflow throughout a household. This is primarily because an HVAC system relies upon the building's ductwork to distribute air efficiently. Issues arising from the system or problems with the ductwork can result in poor air distribution, making certain rooms either hotter or colder than they should be.

A balanced forced-air HVAC system ensures that a home has a uniformly pleasant living environment compared to an unbalanced system. The signs to watch for include regular hot or cold spots throughout the house, larger heating or cooling bills, and increased temperature drops between floors.

The benefits of air-balancing

Homeowners can benefit from getting the air balanced in their homes in several ways. For instance, it results in greater comfort levels for all household members. Occupants won't need to worry about adding or removing extra layers of clothing depending on increased or decreased temperatures.

Air balancing can also reduce energy bills. When it gets too hot or cold inside, it's tempting to crank up the heater or air conditioning system. However, doing so only wastes energy and ultimately causes skyrocketing monthly energy bills. By tackling the heart of the issue, homeowners are likely to save more money in the long run.

Low airflow can also result in the build-up of mold, which can have severe consequences on the health of occupants. Getting the air balanced often results in better-smelling, healthier airflow.

Seek expert advice

To ensure that your home receives the best quality air balancing system, it's worth consulting with a professional service. That way, they can examine the entire HVAC system and implement the best solution to ensure that your house receives the ultimate service required for comfortable living.

Typically, a technician will arrive with various diagnostic equipment to get a clear picture of the root of the problem. An expert will place air balancing hoods on your air supply registers to measure the volume of the air passage.

Additionally, they measure the air pressure using manometers. This way, it becomes easier to detect any potential blockages that may be causing harm to a system. Once all the necessary tests are complete, an expert will compile a list of all the data, which should then help determine how to fix the issue at hand.

If you need help with air-balancing your HVAC system, please feel free to call your local professionals. 

Modern Air Conditioning & Heating is a Boulder City-based HVAC company offering 15 years of experience in residential and commercial HVAC services for all makes and models. You can also call us directly at (702) 919-4365.


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